I’m very excited to be officially launching my DESIRED BALANCE COACHING Blog! For my first entry, I decided it would be good to start at the beginning and explain how I decided on DESIRED BALANCE as the name for my coaching business.
As a Certified Professional Life/Work Coach, I am inspired to apply my experience, skills and passion to benefit others. I love coaching individuals who are on a journey of their own personal fulfillment and professional accomplishment with a DESIRE to discover sustainable, new found clarity and BALANCE in their daily lives. I am motivated and committed to helping my clients tap into their own inner strength and resources, and to identify and overcome obstacles that prevent them from moving toward unlimited possibilities. My personal mission is to empower my clients to claim their own truth, explore their own life’s purpose, and ultimately experience their own DESIRED BALANCE.
DESIRE is defined as “to strongly wish or want for something.” THEREFORE ….
“You will never achieve anything without a DESIRE.”
The definition of BALANCE is the “the condition where different elements are equal.” THEREFORE …
“BALANCE is not something you find. It’s something your create.”
The concept of balancing one’s personal and work life seems pretty simple. Being able to “have it all”, however, often proves to be quite difficult, because BALANCE means something different to everyone So, if we put all our energy into building our career or business, how do we find additional time to develop – and enjoy – our personal lives? Also, BALANCE is not something that remains constant. At various times in our lives, our desires change regarding what we feel is or isn’t important. Therefore, a huge part of creating BALANCE in our lives often starts with having the DESIRE to make a change.
I believe that all individuals are naturally creative, resourceful and whole, and essentially are the expert of their own lives. DB Coaching is rooted in deep listening and asking powerful questions, knowing that our clients have all the answers within themselves, but may need assistance accessing these answers.
Through the coaching process, I help my clients let go of preconceived beliefs and limitations in order to explore new perspectives and unlimited possibilities. Clients are motivated to build clarity, confidence and strength, which results in new desirable behaviors and positive life decisions – and ultimately, their own DESIRED BALANCE.
“The goal is to balance a life that works with a life that counts.”
To appreciate the powerful impact of DESIRED BALANCE COACHING, I invite you to experience it for yourself. If you are ready for a new chapter in your life, contact me for a complimentary exploration session by phone. Pricing and program details available upon request.
-Delores Bell, Founder & Certified Professional Life/Work Coach