Desired Balance Philosophy

DESIRE is defined as “to strongly wish or want for something." Desired Balance Coaching focuses on our clients' desire to create balance and alignment that honors their “whole authentic self."  To create and maintain DESIRED BALANCE between one’s personal and work life can vary from person to person. Therefore, the key is to first identify the changes required in one’s thoughts, behaviors and actions that support one’s ultimate vision for DESIRED BALANCE.

The definition of BALANCE is “the condition where different elements are equal”. The concept of balancing one’s personal and work life seems pretty simple. Being able to “have it all”, however, often proves to be quite difficult, because balance means something different to everyone. So, if we put all our energy into building our career or business, how do we find additional time to develop – and enjoy – our personal lives? 

Also, balance is not something that remains constant. At various times in our lives, our desires change regarding what we feel is or isn’t important. Therefore, a huge part of creating BALANCE in our lives often starts with having the desire to make a change.



The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as, “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” Desired Balance Coaching works one-on-one and in groups with individuals, professionals and businesses in a confidential, non-judgmental environment.  We are motivated and committed to helping our clients tap into their own inner strength and resources, and to overcome obstacles that prevent them from achieving their dreams and goals. The mission of DB Coaching is to empower our clients to move forward to a life of fulfillment and accomplishment in their personal and professional lives.

DB Coaching believes that all individuals are naturally creative, resourceful and whole – and, ultimately, are the expert of their own lives. Emphasis is placed on the present versus the past, and on creating a desired vision for the future. DB Coaching is not therapy or consulting, rather it is rooted in deep listening and asking powerful questions, knowing that our clients have all the answers within themselves, but may need assistance accessing these answers. Clients are supported on a co-active journey of self-actualization that empowers them to unleash their own inner wisdom.

Through the coaching process, clients are able to let go of preconceived beliefs and limitations, in order to explore new perspectives and unlimited possibilities. The use of NLP and Hypnosis modalities allows for the integration of the conscious and subconscious mind to overcome barriers that may block client's ability to move toward their goals and aspirations. Incorporating scientific techniques and tools of positive psychology helps invoke change in their perspective, behaviors and actions. The assimilation of Transformational Breath techniques and Reiki Energy Healing awakens renewed balance and increased alignment in our clients’ daily lives.

Clients are motivated to build clarity, confidence and strength, which results in new desirable behaviors and positive life decisions. Desired Balance Coaching has three divisions for helping clients transform on a deeper level and connect to their “highest self”. DESIRED LIFE is personal fulfillment coaching, DESIRED WORK coaching focuses on professional accomplishments, and LIFE/WORK BALANCE equally emphasizes personal fulfillment and professional accomplishment.