Life/Work Balance Client - Gokce Teoharidu     

"Over the past year, Delores has been coaching me through a very big transition of balancing my life between business woman and new mom.  I could not have navigated through this major life change in such a short time without her professional expertise, support, insight and compassion.

When we first began our sessions, I had no idea what direction my life was going in between work commitments and spending quality time with my new born child. I needed to take action but was too overwhelmed to know where to start. I could not have progressed so quickly without Delores’ guidance. Her coaching skills helped me to clearly identify my core values and use them as a guide in making positive life/work decisions.

Delores’ coaching was invaluable in helping me find my own voice and walk my own authentic path. I am more confident and motivated in the balancing act between my family and career. I am now more efficient at work, giving me more time to focus on my home responsibilities. Through various strategies and techniques, I learned when to let go, where to focus, and how to create a realistic action plan for achieving my goals. I am now living a more balanced personal and work life of fulfillment and accomplishment."

-Gokce Teoharidu - Executive Vice President of Sales at Capacity UK, London, England