Desired Work Client - Elaina Kats      

"When I first began working with Delores over the last six months, I was overwhelmed, stressed and couldn’t figure out how to get “unstuck” in order to move forward on a positive path in my career. In a short period of time, Delores’ coaching made a powerful impact in helping me identify issues that were standing in the way of making better business decisions and more effective communication with top management and co-workers.

Delores’ “real world” life and professional experience proved a valuable resource in understanding the stress and daily pressures involved in a fast pace business environment. I can highly recommend Delores' effective, solution-driven coaching as helping increase my self-confidence, creating new ways of thinking, and gaining clarity and vision for my career advancement.

Delores asked the tough questions that helped me focus, see things from different perspectives, and recognize where I could improve myself. Her ability to listen carefully and hold me accountable for achieving my goals has helped me to identify issues that have stood in the way of my personal success.   

Additionally, I find Delores coaching very therapeutic and relaxing. After each session, I feel inner harmony and peace with a positive outlook about life. It’s very comforting knowing that I have a coach on this co-active journey who is supportive and truly understands me. I find her NLP and meditation tools incorporated into the sessions highly effective, creating an environment of relaxation that allows the sessions to unfold naturally and organically. Our sessions are a “special time for self” where I able to tap into my true core on a deeper level."

-Elaina Kats, Design Director of Fashion Avenue Knits, New York, NY